
New moon | CD | Swallow The Sun

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Digipakåterutgåva av albumet från 2009.
Artikelnummer 483959
Titel New moon
Musikgenre Death Metal
Produktämne Band
Band Swallow The Sun
Releasedatum 20/11/2020
Kön Unisex
Produkttyp CD
Media-format CD
Ansvarsfull ekonomisk aktör EU International Associates Auditing & Certification Limited
The Black Church, St Mary's Place
D07 P4AX Dublin 07

CD 1

  • 1.
    These Woods Breathe Evil
  • 2.
    Failing World
  • 3.
    Sleepless Swans
  • 4.
    ...And Heavens Cried Blood
  • 5.
    Lights on the Lake (Horror pt. III)
  • 6.
    New Moon
  • 7.
    Servant of Sorrow
  • 8.
    Weight of the Dead
  • 9.
    Servant of Sorrow (Alternative Version)