Bible of the beast | CD | Powerwolf
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Artikelnummer | 439005 |
Ansvarsfull ekonomisk aktör EU |
Metal Blade Records GmbH Postfach 1263 73049 Eislingen Germany |
Musikgenre | Power Metal |
Exklusiv | Nej |
Media-format | CD |
Produktämne | Band |
Band | Powerwolf |
Produkttyp | CD |
Releasedatum | 24/04/2009 |
Kön | Unisex |
CD 1
1.Opening: Prelude to Purgatory
2.Raise Your Fist, Evangelist
3.Moscow After Dark
4.Panic In The Pentagram
5.Catholic In The Morning...Satanist At Night
6.Seven Deadly Saints
7.Werewolves Of Armenia
8.We Take The Church By Storm
9.Resurrection By Erection
10.Midnight Messiah
11.St. Satans Day
12.Wolves Against The World